SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3429138 - Service Catalog Not Visible In Case


Service Catalog field dropdown is empty in Case.


SAP Service Cloud Version 2

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Navigate to Cases.
  2. Open Case 123 (where 123 is Display ID of the Case).
  3. In Category section, click on the pencil icon and pick a Service Category value.
  4. Notice that no values are displayed in the dropdown.


Issue occurs when the Case Type of the Case is using the old version of Service Catalog.


Create and activate a Case Type following the below steps which has the latest version of Service Catalog used.

  1. Go to User Menu.
  2. Go to Settings.
  3. Search for Cases.
  4. Select Case Types.
  5. Select Case Type ABC (where ABC is an Active Case Type with old version of Service Catalog) and choose Create New Version.
  6. Under General Settings, select New version of Service catalog in Catalog field.
  7. Click on Activate.

See Also

You can also refer to this KBA for further details 3426364 - Unable to Delete Service Catalog


Service Catalog, Case Type, Empty, Version , KBA , CEC-CRM-SCA , Service Catalog for SAP Sales/Service Cloud , CEC-CRM-CAS , Case Management for SAP Sales/Service Cloud , Problem


SAP Sales Cloud and SAP Service Cloud Version 2 1.0