- Goods Issue posting in /SCWM/TU fails with error: "Delivery &1: For GI posting, choose all subitems of item &2" (Message No. /SCWM/GOODS_MOVEMENT045). The delivery mentioned in the error message is using Delivery Group hierarchy, and some items belong to that Delivery Group are assigned to the Transportation Unit while other items are assigned to a different TU.
- Action "Generate Outbound Delivery for TU" fails with error: "Items are assigned to different vehicles/TUs (&1 <> &2)" (Message No. /SCWM/DELIVERY291). Similar to the previous point, items are handled within Delivery Group(s).
- SAP Extended Warehouse Management - Delivery Processing (SCM-EWM-DLP)
- SAP Extended Warehouse Management - Shipping and Receiving (SCM-EWM-SR)
SAP Extended Warehouse Management all versions ; SAP S/4HANA all versions
/SCWM/GOODS_MOVEMENT 045, /SCWM/DELIVERY 291, OD, Outbound Delivery, Item Split, Delivery Split, Delivery Group, Complete Delivery, Hierarchy, DLG , KBA , SCM-EWM-DLP-BF-GM , Goods Movements (GR/GI/Reversal/Posting Change) , SCM-EWM-SR , Shipping and Receiving , SCM-EWM-DLP-BF-CDD , Create Delivery Documents , SCM-EWM-DLP-SF-OD , Outbound Delivery , How To
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