- A country/region is adopting a new currency.
- You need to adapt your Concur integration to for the new currency.
KBA , BNS-CON-SE-S4 , Concur Suite Enablement S/4HANA Integration , BNS-CON-SE-S4-FIN , Concur S/4HANA Financial Integration , BNS-CON-SE-ERP-FIN , Concur ERP Financial Integration , BNS-CON-SE-S4-FGM , Concur S/4H Fundsmanagement and Grantsmanagement Integration , BNS-CON-SE-ERP-INV , Concur ERP Invoice Integration , BNS-CON-SE-ERP , Concur ERP Integration , BNS-CON-SE-S4-HCM , Concur S/4HANA Human Ressources Integration , BNS-CON-SE-S4-INV , Concur S/4HANA Invoice Integration , BNS-CON-SE-ERP-HCM , Concur ERP Human Resources Integration , BNS-CON-SE-ERP-FGM , Concur ERP Fundsmanagement and Grantsmanagement Integration , How To
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