SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3430929 - Future-dated job entries for the candidate exist in the system Error - Onboarding


Admin starts the Onboarding Rehire Verification, accepts candidate as Rehire with Old Employment and receives Error during the data review: Future-dated job entries for the candidate exist in the system. Please contact your administrator for help with removing future-dated job entries.

"Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental."


SAP SuccessFactors Onboarding

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Initiate Candidate from Recruiting
  2. Candidate lands in Pre-Onboarding Rehire Verification
  3. Admin proceed with Onboarding Rehire Verification > Accept Candidate as Rehire with Old Employment > Complete Rehire data review
  4. Candidate is in the dashboard
  5. Admin Cancel Onboarding from the Dashboard > Candidate profile > Actions > Cancel Onboarding
  6. Initiate the same Candidate from Recruiting, from the same Job Requisition and with same start date
  7. Admin proceed with Onboarding Rehire Verification > Accept Candidate as Rehire with Old Employment:
    Cannot complete Rehire data review due to error "Future-dated job entries for the candidate exist in the system. Please contact your administrator for help with removing future-dated job entries."


  • In KBA 3426833, it is specified that:
    SAP Engineering confirmed that data does not get purged when cancelling Onboarding.

To avoid this issue in the future:

  • In the implementation guide Canceling an Onboarding Process Under Results:
    If onboarding is reinitiated for an external user after the onboarding process is cancelled, the new hire details will appear during rehire selection. In such cases, you can rehire with new employment to avoid duplicate person records.
  • If there are some data that needs to be corrected, Onboarding should be restarted, not cancelled, see implementation guide Restart the Onboarding Process.

For candidates that are currently stuck in Rehire with Old Employment data review after the 2nd initiation from Recruiting, you can delete the recent time-slices which were added earlier, via Employee Profile > Job Information > History.

See Also

KBA 3426833 - Details provided during Personal Data Collection, not purged after cancelling Onboarding 
Canceling an Onboarding Process
Restart the Onboarding Process


Cancel Onboarding, Rehire with Old Employment, ROOE, Rehire Verification, Error, Future-dated job entries , KBA , LOD-SF-OBX-RHM , Rehire Mechanism , Problem


SAP SuccessFactors Onboarding 2311


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