SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3432162 - The Sales Organization was not redetermined when the Owner of the Lead was changed.


You have a Lead with an Owner and Sales Organisation maintained.  When changing the Owner, the Sales Organisation is not being redetermined to match the Sales Data of the new Owner.


SAP Cloud for Customer


When editing the sales data of a Lead, the Sales Organisation is redetermined based on the user making the changes, not the owner.  So if User A changes the owner to User B, the Sales Org will be based on User A, not the new owner User B.  A quick way to verify who the Sales Data is based on is by checking the "changed by" field.


This is the expected system behaviour.


lead sales org, lead owner, lead party determination , KBA , LOD-CRM-LM , Lead Management , Problem


SAP Cloud for Customer core applications 2311