- Following error is obtained for an RFC destination:
Where application server displayed on "LOCATION" line, corresponds to the local instance on which the RFC was tested. - On dev_rfc<xx> trace (being xx the number of the wp shown above), this information can be found:
======> CPIC-CALL: 'ThSAPOCMINIT', communication rc: CM_RESOURCE_FAILURE_NO_RETRY (cmRc=26), taskhandler rc: GW_PRXY_ACCESS_DENIED (thRc=750)
You cannot use the gateway as a proxy for this connection
Error RFCIO_ERROR_SYSERROR in /bas/754_REL/src/krn/rfc/abrfcpic.c : 1779
CPIC-CALL: 'ThSAPOCMINIT', communication rc: CM_RESOURCE_FAILURE_NO_RETRY (cmRc=26), taskhandler rc: GW_PRXY_ACCESS_DENIED (thRc=750)
You cannot use the gateway as a proxy for this connection
DEST =<RFC Destination name>
PROG =<Registered Program name>
GWHOST =<Remote host>
GWSERV =<Remote service>
- SAP NetWeaver
- ABAP Platform
ABAP platform all versions ; SAP NetWeaver all versions ; SAP Solution Manager all versions
RETURN CODE: 750 , KBA , BC-CST-GW , Gateway/CPIC , BC-MID-RFC , RFC , SV-SMG-INS-CFG , Setup and Configuration of the Solution Manager system , Problem
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