SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3436482 - Future Hired Candidates unable to complete compliance form or be searched


  • Future hired candidates cannot complete the compliance form.
  • Error: Unable to fetch form data.
  • New hire cannot be searched in Global Search or/and in PP3 search, even including inactive users. 


  • SAP SuccessFactors Onboarding
  • SAP SuccessFactors HXM Suite

Reproducing the Issue

1. Initiate new candidate using add new hire to onboarding with future hire date.
2. Complete the NHDR and PDC
3. Go to the Compliance form tile and click TD1 Personal Tax Credits Return > able to load the content.
3. Leave the compliance undone and complete the MPH.
4. Approve the workflow for MPH.
5. Login again to the candidate's login URL. 
6. Click the Go to the Compliance form tile and click TD1 Personal Tax Credits Return > Unable to fetch form data.


When workflows trigger post MPH submission, the visibility field of the PerPerson entity is set to blank. As a result, the candidate fails to load the compliance forms after being hired.


The code fix pushed is not only specific to WF (workflow) but should overall set the field visibility post MPH so we shouldn't encounter this issue anymore.


  • Please raise a support ticket for a script execution.


  • The Engineering Team has introduced a code-fix and is scheduled to be deployed on the 1H 2024 2405.11 (2404) release.
  • The team has scheduled a patch for this issue which will be patched on:
    • PREVIEW: 19-April-2024
    • PRODUCTION: 17-May-2024
  • NOTE!! Roadmap disclaimer applies.

See Also

Please see the internal memo for the sample RITM.


Compliance Form, Unable to fetch form data, Error, Future Hire, Future Hired Candidates, Onboarding, OBX, search inactive user, global search, new hire search, OBX-29926 , KBA , LOD-SF-OBX-FRM , Compliance 2.0 Country Forms (except i9&EV) , Problem


SAP SuccessFactors Onboarding 2311