- Running a task, it could fail with below errors.
- R3C-150102 |Data flow xxx SAP datastore host name missing.
- VAL-4001020|DATAFLOW xxx| The target node <> must have a valid iteration rule or a schema to schema mapping because it is repeatable and contains one or more scalar columns.
- VAL-4001039|Session xxx The table <xxx> used in the iteration rule defined at the target node <xxx> is not found.
SAP Cloud Integration for data services
SAP Cloud Integration for data services 1.0
R3C-150102, dataflow, RFC_Function, SAP datastore, missing host name, VAL-4001020, VAL-4001039, valid, iteration rule, schema, mapping, node, not found , KBA , LOD-HCI-DS , HANA Cloud Integration for Data Services , Problem
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