- Error is raised when importing the repository into a new database:
Your repository does not support all the types of models contained in the repository to be imported. You must upgrade your repository with the necessary packages to support these additional types of models. See the Output window for a list of the packages required. - The output displays:
The present repository supports the following types of models:
Conceptual Data Model,Data Movement Model,Free Model,Glossary Model,Impact Analysis Model,Logical Data Model,Model Extension,Multi-Model Report,Physical Data Model,Project,Report Template,Requirements Model,XML Model
The repository to be imported contains the following types of models:
Business Process Model,Conceptual Data Model,Data Movement Model,Enterprise Architecture Model,Free Model,Glossary Model,Impact Analysis Model,Logical Data Model,Model Extension,Multi-Model Report,Object-Oriented Model,Physical Data Model,Project,Report Template,Requirements Model,XML Model
SAP PowerDesigner (PD) 16.7
SAP PowerDesigner 16.7
PD_DAE, PD_IAR, PD_EAR, PD_EARS, EARS, standard, edition, edge, information , KBA , BC-SYB-PD , PowerDesigner , Problem
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