- Job running with the error below after database and JDBC driver upgrade:
"RUN-058105: |Data flow <DATA_FLOW>Error preparing to read <Query>: <Exception occurs when executing 'begin' method of the adapter operation with ID [16]. Optimized SQL Statement : SELECT <TABLES> FROM <SOURCE>, Error : Connection closed>. " - Trace log:
"Data flow <DATA_FLOW> is terminated due to error <58105>." - Job runs using a Job Server with Adapter connecting to Denodo database with JDBC driver.
- In the JDBC driver V.7 every job is working fine, but on V.8 it is returning this inconsistence when running the jobs with high volume of columns.
- SAP Data Services 4.x
- Denodo Database upgrade from 7.0 update 20181011 to 8.0 update 20220815.
- JDBC driver from 7.0 update 20181011 to 8.0 update 20220815 or 8.0 update 20230914.
- Linux
SAP Data Services all versions
DS, BODS, Connection, Failure, Failing, Tasks, Adapter, columns, table, upgrading, upgraded, migrating, migration, migrated, DB, DBA, , KBA , EIM-DS-SVR , Administration/Server , EIM-DS-DEP , Deployment, Installation, Upgrade , Problem
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