SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3443088 - Resource not found for segment FinancialStatementVariantData


Error Resource not found for segment 'FinancialStatementVariantData'. in app Balance Sheet / Income Statement (App ID F0708 )


SAP S/4HANA Cloud 


With CE2402 there was an issue with the Business Catalog SAP_FIN_BC_GL_REPORTING_PC which affected the app Balance Sheet / Income Statement.

There were two restriction types:

Restriction type Field Name 
Chart of Accounts KTOPL
Financial Statement VersionVERSN

removed from the Business Catalog.

These restriction types are required for the app.

This was corrected with a Hotfix and Verification Patch. However there was a small time window where in the test or Q systems the restriction types were removed and the granted authorizations were deleted. 


To identify the affected business role(s) it is necessary to go to app IAM Information System (App ID F2450)

This How to Use 'Maintain Business Roles – Mass Maintenance' to Apply the New Functional Area Restriction Coming with the 2402 Upgrade of SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition blog describes how to maintain the required authorization as mass maintenance.

This blog is done at the example of Functional Area and Unrestricted. 

Using blog as Guide:
Choose Main Entity: Restriction

Filter on:

Access Restriction: equal to Restricted

Access Category: equal to Read

Restriction Type: equal to General 

Restriction Field: equal to Financial Statement Version 

                          equal to Chart of Accounts

It is not possible to filter on for Access Restriction empty as the value is ' '  is displayed on the UI as empty but you can download the Excel and in the excel filter on Value Blanks.

It is necessary to decide on the authorizations to be granted and maintain the values accordingly.

It is possible to use the mass maintenance if the roles are leading business roles or normal business roles, not for derived business roles. 

See Also

3430018 - Line Items Missing in General Ledger Reporting Apps after 2402


SAP_BCR_FIN_GL_REPORTING_PC, Balance Sheet/Income Statement, F0708, FinancialStatementVariantData, SAP_FIN_BC_GL_REPORTING_PC , KBA , FI-FIO-GL-IS-2CL , Reporting Apps (Public Cloud) , Problem


SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition 2402