Try to generate an ADS forms, the ADSUser get locked and performance issues are noticed.
The following error can be seen on ADS trace,
License exception while updating database form template: dest:FP_ICF_DATA_SID//sap/bc/fp/form/layout/FORM_NAME.XDP?fp-language=DE&fp-mlayout-sup=X&fp-cacheinfo= Locale: en_EN SID: SID TimeStamp: Application: SAFP Form: FORM_NAME SID: SID Client: xxx IsProductive: 1 Document Services License Manager Exception: There was a general error while updating the template for a form in the license database
- SAP Business Technology Platform
Document Services License Manager Exception: There was a general error while updating the template for a form in the license database, ADSUser, UUID , KBA , BC-SRV-FP , Forms Processing , Problem
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