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3443638 - Zombie process hold the tempdb log segment due to "kill with force" - SAP ASE


  • Here's a long running spid in the output of "select * from syslogshold "
  • Such spid doe not exist in "sp_who", but exists in "sp_lock"
  • Error messages in ASE server log file:

    -- the process was killed with force--
    00:0020:00000:02199:2024/02/15 00:21:29.23 server  Process id 2461 killed by Hostname sclfmxdblnprd01.usi.mizuho-sc., Host process id 277660.
    00:0002:00000:02199:2024/02/15 00:21:50.50 server  Process id 2461 killed with force by Hostname sclfmxdblnprd01.usi.mizuho-sc., Host process id 277660.

    --stack trace--

    --Error 613--

    00:0033:00000:02461:2024/02/15 00:21:57.12 server  WARNING - Fatal Error 613 occurred at Feb 15 2024 12:21AM.  Please note the error and time, and contact a user with System Administrator (SA) authorization.
    00:0033:00000:02461:2024/02/15 00:21:57.12 server  Error: 613, Severity: 20, State: 0
    00:0033:00000:02461:2024/02/15 00:21:57.12 server  Request made to retrieve more rows from an already completed scan  of object 'syslogs' in database 'tempdb'.
    00:0033:00000:02461:2024/02/15 00:21:57.13 server  Error while undoing log row in database 'tempdb'.  Rid pageid = 0; row num = 0.

    --Error 6103

    00:0033:00000:02461:2024/02/15 00:21:57.13 server  Error: 6103, Severity: 17, State: 1
    00:0033:00000:02461:2024/02/15 00:21:57.13 server  Unable to do cleanup for the killed process; received Msg 3300.
    00:0033:00000:02461:2024/02/15 00:21:57.14 server  WARNING: spid 2461 with suid 4 and curdbid 4 has an active transaction in dbid 2 with xactid (140738418, 36).



SAP ASE 16.0


SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise 16.0


hang, zombie process, process hold log, kill command failed , kill with force , KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , Problem

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