Tenant DB recovery failed with errors.
backup.log shows below error:
2024-02-28T09:28:31+02:00 P0xxxxxx 18xxxxd1b68 INFO RECOVERY state of service: indexserver, hostname:30240, volume: 0, RecoveryExecuteMetadataRecoveryFinished
2024-02-28T09:28:31+02:00 P0xxxxxx 18xxxxd1b68 ERROR RECOVERY RECOVER DATA finished with error: [448] recovery could not be completed, [301101] Failed to create root key for purpose Persistence: SSFS access not initialized!
Indexserver trace shows below error:
[216702]{-1}[-1/-1] 2024-02-28 09:28:31.938990 e RootKeyManager RootKeyManagerSsfs.cpp(00352) : Failed to create root key for purpose Persistence: SSFS access not initialized!exception: exception 1: no.301101 (Crypto/Ssfs/Consistency/RootKeyStoreConsistencyChecker.cpp:287) TID: 216702
No ConsistencyContentProvider!
exception throw location:
0: 0x00007f3b43c1f09a in Crypto::SecureStore::Consistency::RootKeyStoreConsistencyChecker::getConsistencyStatus(Crypto::SecureStore::Consistency::ConsistencyStatus&, Crypto::SecureStore::Consistency::Location)+0x26 at Crypto/Ssfs/Consistency/RootKeyStoreConsistencyChecker.cpp:294 (
1: 0x00007f3b43c1b36b in Crypto::SecureStore::Consistency::RootKeyStoreConsistencyChecker::checkConsistency(Crypto::SecureStore::Consistency::Location)+0x187 at Crypto/Ssfs/Consistency/RootKeyStoreConsistencyChecker.cpp:85 (
2: 0x00007f3b43bf53e0 in Crypto::RootKeyManagerSsfs::checkConsistency(char const*, Crypto::SecureStore::RootKeyAccess::SsfsKeyType const*) const+0x50 at Crypto/RootKeyManager/RootKeyManagerSsfs.cpp:122 (
3: 0x00007f3b43bf6546 in Crypto::RootKeyManagerSsfs::createAndActivateKey(Crypto::SecureStore::RootKeyAccess::SsfsKeyType, ltt::optional<Crypto::EncryptionAlgorithm>, ltt::function<void (Crypto::FixedSizeBuffer<32ul, true> const&, Crypto::EncryptionAlgorithm), 16ul, 8ul> const&)+0x92 at Crypto/RootKeyManager/RootKeyManagerSsfs.cpp:345 (
The encryption status in both source and target system are inactive. See below.
[Source system]
[Target system]
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SAP HANA, platform edition 2.0
HANA, tenant DB, restore, recover, Failed to create root key for purpose Persistence, SSFS access not initialized, No ConsistencyContentProvider , KBA , HAN-DB-BAC , SAP HANA Backup & Recovery , Problem
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