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3443706 - Expectations regarding the result of "SELECT *" and "SELECT COUNT(*)" in the context of SAP HANA for tables and views


  • The expectation regarding the following queries in case of database table:
      SELECT * FROM <table_name>                 - - > list all rows from the table, the number of rows = X
      SELECT COUNT(*) FROM <table_name>  - - > return the total number of rows = X from the table
    When you run the above queries on the same table, the result for the number of rows should return the same number (X = X).

  • The expectation regarding the following queries in case of database view:
      SELECT * FROM <view_name>                 - - > list all rows from the view, the number of rows = X
      SELECT COUNT(*) FROM <view_name>  - - > return the total number of rows = X from the view
    When you run the above queries on the same view, the result for the number of rows should return the same number (X = X).

  • For views, expectations are not always met when executing SQL statements. Views could behave strangely.

  • For views, the number of rows not equal in case of the above SQL statements.



SAP HANA, platform edition


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SAP, HANA, db, database, table, tables, view, views, select, *, count(*), count, number, of, rows, rowcount, different, result , KBA , HAN-DB , SAP HANA Database , How To

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