SNC printing is correctly configured based on note 96079.
Sometimes SNC Printing is working fine, and sometimes it gives SNC error.
SAPSprint dbg trace:
Error: SncNiSessionAccept failed with returncode -8
Description of Errorcode SNCERR_NI(-8): NI layer returned an error
SPO WP trace level 2:
S *** ERROR => Missing snc partner ident from TSP0U for Printer XXXX[rspoclpd.c 459]
S *** ERROR => SNC library failed: cannot create a secured link [rspoclpd.c 2166]
S *** ERROR => no memory to store secuname for @>DEV:XXXX@< -> ignored [rspopcc.c 1636]
NIT trace:
[Thr 2348] *** ERROR => NiPConnect2: SiPeekPendConn failed for hdl 1/sock 944
[Thr 4248] <<- ERROR: SncNiSessionAccept()==NIECONN_BROKEN
[Thr 4248] <<- SncGetErrorText()==SAP_O_K
All SAPSprint version.
SNC, SAPSprint , KBA , BC-CCM-PRN , Print and Output Management , Problem
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