- Access Server '<HOST_NAME>:4000' is not available. If SSL protocol is used, the java keystore for the management console must contain the certificates for the access server. (BODI-3016130).
- Access Server fails to startup and following error can be seen on the Job Service Event Log: "Cannot start server for <LINK_DIR>\bin/al_accessserver.exe -R"<ACCESS_SERVER_FOLDER>" -A4000 -M .GetLastError() = 193".
- Access Server fails to start with ERROR: An error occurred during parsing of the configuration file. Message: "XML Parsing Exception: Fatal Error in file "<DS_COMMON_DIR>/conf/AccessServer/AS.xml", line 1, column 1: invalid document structure. Exiting...". (BODI-300003).
- SAP Data Services 4.x
SAP Data Services 4.2 ; SAP Data Services 4.3
BODS, DS, Data Services, Access, Server, not available, AS.xml, AS, error, LINK_DIR, started, startup, DSMC, management, console, distributed, AL_AccessServer, SSL, key, certificate, web tier, keystore , KBA , EIM-DS-SVR , Administration/Server , Problem
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