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3444874 - Cost relevant columns in t-codes IW37N / IW49N


You may see the following behavior in t-codes IW37N and IW49N:

  1. There are two columns with the same name, e.g. "Total actual costs", "Total planned costs", "Estimated costs" or the other ones. 
  2. The field "Total actual costs" ("Total planned costs", "Estimated costs" or the other ones) is with the value of the whole order but not operation level one. 

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  • SAP ERP Plant Maintenance (PM)
  • SAP ERP Customer Service (CS)
  • SAP Enhancement package for SAP ERP
  • SAP Enhancement package for SAP ERP, version for SAP HANA
  • SAP S/4HANA, on-premise


SAP S/4HANA all versions ; SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP all versions ; SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP, version for SAP HANA all versions


GKSTI, GKSTP, GKSTA, GERTI, GERTP, GESIST, GESPLN, USER4, WAERS, Total(actual) maintenance costs, Total plant maintenance costs (planned), Total Settlement Costs (PMCO), Total plant maintenance revenues (actual), Total (planned) maintenance revenues, Actual sum of maintenance order (costs - revenues), Plan sum of maintenance order (costs - revenues), Estimated total costs of order, Order Currency, GKSTI_OP, GKSTP_OP, GKSTA_OP, GERTI_OP, GERTP_OP, GESIST_OP, GESPLN_OP, USER4_OP, WAERS_OP, RIH_ORDER_OPERATION_LIST, operation level costing  , KBA , PM-WOC-LE , List Editing , How To

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