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3445224 - ConnectionFactory "BPMEventConnectionFactory" does not exist - Java node terminates with exit code 2151


During upgrade / maintenance of (most likely 7.40 or below version) AS Java, system may fail to start.

dev_server log files show:

F  [Thr 140673422288640] *** LOG => SfCJavaVm: exit hook is called. (rc = 2151)
F  ********************************************************************************
F  *** ERROR => Java node 'server2' terminated with exit code 2151.
F  ***
F  *** Please see section 'Java program exit codes'
F  *** in SAP Note 1316652 for additional information and trouble shooting advice.
F  ********************************************************************************
F  [Thr 140673422288640] *** LOG => exiting (exitcode 2151, retcode 1).
M  [Thr 140673422288640] CCMS: CCMS Monitoring Cleanup finished successfully.

std_server shows:

  Service [] start ================= ERROR ================= 
  CSN Component [BC-BMT-BPM-SRV], DC Name []
java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed to initialize the GLX Core Service. Reason: Startup failed
Caused by: Startup failed
Caused by: Runtime mode didn't leave the OFFLINE state. For a likely cause, refer to the nested exception
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Could not initialize sender BPMEvent
Caused by: Could not get message sender for topic BPMEvent
Caused by: ConnectionFactory "BPMEventConnectionFactory" does not exist. Possible reasons: the adapter in which ConnectionFactory "BPMEventConnectionFactory" is defined is not deployed or not started.
FATAL: Critical shutdown with exit code [2151] was requested due to [AS Java cannot be started; additional service [] failed to start]

It can be that also if J2EE system starts except only the GLX core service (most likely in case of 7.50 AS Java version). In this case you cannot see instance termination with exitcode 2151.



SAP NetWeaver Application Server Java all versions


SAP NetWeaver Application Server for Java all versions


NW Java, J2EE, NW AS Java, deadlock. dangling locks, locks, lock , KBA , BC-BMT-BPM-CMP , Process Composer , BC-JAS-COR , Enterprise Runtime, Core J2EE Framework , BC-JAS-SF , Startup Framework , SV-PERF-EP , SAP Enterprise Portal related performance issues , Problem

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