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3445624 - Subject of Approval Notification Send For Reapproval Cannot Be Changed


The text in notification subject cannot be changed when sales quote is sent for reapproval.

In a standard sales quote approval process SAP defined text is "approve sales quote <ID - description>".

If the sales quote is rejected and resubmitted for approval, then reapproval notification show same text in notification as " approve sales quote <ID - description>" which was shown for the first approval process. This repeats identical notification for reapproval for sales quote as well.

Identical text in notification leads to confusion for an approver whether it is a first-time approval document or reapproval document.



SAP Cloud for Customer


SAP Cloud for Customer add-ins all versions ; SAP Cloud for Customer core applications all versions


Approval Notification, subject, Send For Reapproval, user defined text, Cannot Be Changed , KBA , LOD-LE-CQP-CO , Lean Sales Orders , Problem

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