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3445802 - Silent Data Migration (SDMI) New Rows after Migration – FAQ


Symptom 1: 

You are executing the Silent Data Migration (SDM) Monitor (via SAP transaction SDM_MON) or you are pressing the button “Open Transaction Silent Data Migration Monitor” (tool “Silent Data Migration Monitor”) of the Software Update Manager (SUM) Toolbox (SAP transaction “SUMTOOLBOX”). The tool is available as of SAP_BASIS 756 and higher as described in SAP Note 3092738 - Software Update Manager Toolbox - Central SAP Note.)

In the Silent Data Migration Monitor you can see one or more SDMI classes marked as yellow in SDM_MON ALV list and in the detailed views (button Current Client Info or Migration Class in all clients or Cross Client Info), having a value larger zero in column "New Rows after Migration".

Symptom 2:

You are executing the "SAP Readiness Check for SAP S/4HANA Upgrades" (as described in SAP Note 3059197 - SAP Readiness Check for SAP S/4HANA upgrades) or the "SAP S/4HANA Simplification Item Checks" (described in SAP Notes 2399707 - Simplification Item Check and 2502552 - S4TC - SAP S/4HANA Conversion & Upgrade new Simplification Item Checks). These checks inform you about finished SDMIs, but there are new entries after migration.

Symptom 3: 

You have activated the SAP EarlyWatch Alert (EWA) service and the EarlyWatch Alert  'Potential data inconsistencies found after Silent Data Migration' was triggered for your system. 

This can be viewed in the EarlyWatch Alert report  or in the SAP EarlyWatch Alert Solution Finder in SAP for MeFor SAP EarlyWatch Alert activation details please refer to SAP blog post SAP EarlyWatch Alert Workspace - gain an overview on your system landscape health and SAP Note 1257308 - FAQ: Using EarlyWatch Alert - SAP for Me.



SAP S/4HANA 1909 ; SAP S/4HANA 2020 ; SAP S/4HANA 2021 ; SAP S/4HANA 2022 ; SAP S/4HANA 2023


New content after migration, S/4 HANA upgrade, S/4 HANA, Upgrade, Silent Data Migration Infrastructure, S4 Upgrade, Data Migration Monitor, SDMI, ACDOCA, SDM, NEW_CONTENT, Unfinished Rows, Unconverted Data, Unconverted Rows, DO_SDMI_CHECK, return code = 4, return code = 12 , KBA , XX-SER-MCC , Mission Control Center - Knowledge Management , How To

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