SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3445880 - Need to Migrate Existing Proficiency Rating Scales to Center of Capabilities


Proficiency rating scales are already created in the system and need to be migrated into Center of Capabilities.


  • SAP SuccessFactors Center of Capabilities
  • SAP SuccessFactors Job Description Manager


  1. Create a case with Product Support under component LOD-SF-TIH-COC-ADM. Engineering will need to run a script to identify all proficiencies in your system, and confirm when feedback was first created.
  2. Support will provide a CSV file with the User IDs that need to have feedback migrated and the date feedback was first created
    • NOTE: Each job will load a maximum of 50,000 records. If the file has more than 50,000 records, the file needs to be split.
  3. Customers need to identify one of their SFTP folders to place the file into
    • NOTE: The file name cannot have any spaces or any of the following characters: \/:*?"<>|
  4. Customers will need to provide the following details to support or Certified Implementation Partner to run the Provisioning job:
    • Username of who should be the job owner
    • Host Address:
    • FTP Login
    • FTP Password
    • File Path
    • File Name (if you've changed the name)

As a customer, you do not have access to Provisioning. Please engage a Certified Partner, or let Product Support know to assist with this configuration. If you do not have a Certified Partner, you can look for one using SAP Professional Services / SAP Certified Partner / SAP Account Management Team [SuccessFactors Cloud].

Follow the steps in Managing Scheduled Jobs - Creating Job Requests with details for this specific job below:

  • Job Name: Feedback Migration Job
  • Job Type: Feedback Migration to JPB Job
  • Job Parameters:
    • Character Encoding: Is defaulted to Western European (Windows/ISO), but can be changed if applicable
    • Date: [Feedback start date provided by engineering]
  • Occurrence: Once

See Also


success factors, sf, sfsf, coc, cofc, capability, jobs, migrating, migration, trying to migrate, configuring, configuration, proficiencies, ratings, scales , KBA , LOD-SF-TIH-COC-ADM , Admin Center, Settings, Permissions , LOD-SF-TIH-JDM , Job Description Manager , Problem


SAP SuccessFactors HCM Suite all versions