You have created your HC instance in the latest multi-environment HANA Cloud Central tool, instead of from the Cloud Foundry page under your subaccount. As a result, your instance does not mapped to the CF environment of your subaccount automatically. When you trying to deploy your project from Business Application Studio, you might see below error:
"type" : "CREATE", "description" : "Service broker error: Service broker hana-broker failed with: Can not create service instance 'xxxx-hdi': There is no database available. Ensure that you have a database available in space 'xxx' within organization 'xxxxxx'.",
"state" : "FAILED"
You can trigger the mapping during or after instance creation by input the Org ID and Space ID. Below steps will show you how to find these 2 information.
- SAP HANA Cloud 1.0 & higher
- SAP Business Application Studio 3.0 & higher
instance mapping, org, space, GUID, CF, deploy, HANA cloud, Service broker, Service broker hana-broker failed, Can not create service instance, There is no database available, Ensure that you have a database available, in space, within organization, , KBA , HAN-CLS-HC , HANA Cloud Services HANA Cloud , How To
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