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3446025 - SAP BW bridge: RSKC topic - not permitted value during data loading or activation


During data loading via DTP or data activation, the following error message is displayed:

Value "<problematic value" (HEX <hexvalue>) of characteristic <IOBJ name> contains an error at position x - BRAIN315

If you check the problematic value in the source side, you can notice a # value.



SAP BW bridge


SAP Datasphere, SAP BW bridge all versions


BRAIN315, hash, line-break , KBA , DS-BWB , BW Bridge , DS-BWB-DM-DTP , ABAP Orchestration of Data Transfer Process , DS-BWB-ME-DTP , Data Transfer Process Metadata , DS-BWB-DM-ADSO , DataStore Object (Advanced) , How To

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