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3446478 - CIF Error : Characteristic *** could not be created or Class *** could not be created


You created a new characteristic and used the integration model to transfer the same from ECC or S4core system to SCM , PPDS or DSC system.

The characteristic when getting CIF'ed from ECC to APO system we are getting the below error. 

"Characteristic *** could not be created

Message no. CLMM805


The characteristic could not be created. A characteristic of the same name already exists."

"Class *** of class type *** could not be created

Message no. CLMM809


The class could not be created. A class of the same name already exists."



ECC or S4 system connected to an SCM System or a DSC system


SAP ERP Central Component all versions ; SAP ERP all versions ; SAP S/4HANA all versions ; SAP Supply Chain Management all versions


CLMM809, CLMM805, CLMM 809, CLMM 805, class, characteristic, mapping, ATINN, CLINT, CABN, KLAH, report, integration model, TCL_ATINN_IDENT, TCL_CLINT_IDENT , KBA , SCM-APO-INT-MD-CLC , Classes and Characteristics , SCM-APO-CA-CDP , Characteristics-dependent Planning , SCM-APO-CA-VC , Variant Configuration , SCM-APO-INT-CON , Configuration , SCM-APO-MD-CL , Classes and Characteristics , How To

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