During the upgrade with SUM tool, it failed in the MAIN_NEWBAS/STARTSAP_NBAS phase, which finishes with the following error:
1 ETQ359 RFC Login to: System="SID", AsHost="hostname" Nr="00", Client="000", User="DDIC", GwHost="hostname", GwService="sapgw00"
1 ETQ363 RFC Login with SNC: SSO="0", QOP="9", MYNAME="", PARTNERNAME="p:sidadm@xxx"
1 ETQ364 RFC Login with SNC: SECUDIR="/usr/sap/SID/D00/sec" SNCLIB="/<...>/SUM/abap/bin/"
2WETQ231 RFC Login failed
1 ETQ399 SAPCONTROL MANAGER: Get process list of instance '00' on host 'hostname'
3 ETQ120 20240319025212: PID 3822275 execute '/usr/sap/SID/D00/exe/sapcontrol -format script -prot NI_HTTP -nr 00 -function GetProcessList', output written to '/<...>/SUM/abap/log/SAPup_NEW.ECO'.
3WETQ122 20240319025212: PID 3822275 exited with status 3 '' (time: 0.0/ 0.0/ 0.0/106MB real/usr/sys/maxmem)
1EETQ399 Error: ABAP instance '00' on host 'hostname' is still down!
2EETQ354 Starting system failed, rc="-1"
However, check the last record in SAPup_NEW.ECO, all processes are GREEN. Check the status of instance 00 by SAPMMC or other tools also show it's up and running fine.
SAP ABAP system
MAIN_NEWBAS/STARTSAP_NBAS , snc_enable, RFC Login with SNC, RFC Login failed, ABAP instance is still down, Starting system failed, rc="-1" , KBA , BC-UPG-TLS-TLA , Upgrade tools for ABAP , Problem
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