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3447072 - CMS is stopped during or after an install or patch update


  • SIA servers are not starting after upgrading from BI 4.3 SP01 Patch 6 [] to BI 4.3 SP03 Patch 8 []
  • Issue can be seen on Linux / Unix based environments which migrated from Sqlanywhere to HANA CMS system database
  • fails with an error connecting to the cms as the boe_cmsd processes fail to startup
  • Based on Errors and warnings logs, similar errors as below are seen -

    ERROR: Could not establish a connection with any CMS.
    ERROR: Could not establish a connection with any CMS.
    ERROR: An unexpected internal error occurred. The CMS has terminated unexpectedly with exit code 1. (FWM 23025)
    ERROR: Could not reach CMS 'servername:6400'. The CMS on machine 'nodename' was stopped due to critical errors.

  • Errors similar to below are seen in setupengine log mainly during Addnode and Deployfiles actions
     07:09:05.073        CmdLine: [INSTALLDIR]sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/linux_x64/scripts/ -stdin -deploydir "[InstallDir]setup/packagestemp" -autodelete -installerror -username [CMSUSERNAME] 'SIStart:Password=[CMSPASSWORD]:SIEnd' -authentication [CMSAUTHENTICATION] -usetempcms -fallbackcms [MasterCmsName]:[MasterCmsPort]
    ERROR: Could not establish a connection with any CMS.
    07:09:11.453        CmdLine: [INSTALLDIR]sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/linux_x64/scripts/ -stdin -autoupdate -username [CMSUsername] 'SIStart:Password=[CMSPassword]:SIEnd' -authentication [CMSAuthentication] -usetempcms -fallbackcms [MasterCmsName]:[MasterCmsPort] -locale [SetupUILanguage]
    ERROR: Could not establish a connection with any CMS.
    ERROR: An unexpected internal error occurred. The CMS has terminated unexpectedly with exit code 1. (FWM 23025)
    ERROR: Could not reach CMS 'servername:6400'. The CMS on machine 'nodename' was stopped due to critical errors.

  • Errors such as below are seen on the latest boe_cmsd logs generated during cms startup attempts...

    (crypto.cpp:366) cannot generate random: CCL is not able to find itself may be due to too many lib loads
    (crypto.cpp:299). (FALSE : digest exception: CCL is not able to find itself may be due to too many lib loads).
    (dbinfo.cpp:53). (false : Could not encrypt database connection string.).
    Fail to initialize or uninitialize.  Reason is The root server reported an error Initialization Failure.:



  • SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.3 SP03 Patch 8
  • Updating from versions 4.3 SP01 Patch 6 [] to BI 4.3 SP03 Patch 8 []
  • Linux OS RHEL 8.6
  • CMS Database Type and version: Hana 2.0
  • Azure Cloud Infrastructure


SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.2 ; SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.3


BI 4.3 ccl library cms server startup fail library conflict sqlanywhere linux_x64 , KBA , BI-BIP-INS , Installation, Updates, Upgrade, Patching , Problem

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