- You've established trust relationship between BTP CF global account/subaccount and IAS, so IAS is acted as IDP of your BTP global account or subaccount (No corporate IDP is used).
- Instead of directly assigning role collections to IAS IDP user in BTP Cockpit, you want to assign role collections to the group of IAS, so all the IAS IDP users belong to this group will include the role collection.
- After assigning the role collection to IAS IDP group, you find it doesn't take effect.
- SAP Business Technology Platform - Cloud Foundry environment
- SAP Cloud Identity service
BTP all versions ; SAP Cloud Identity Services all versions
platform idp, role collection mapping, group mapping, role mapping, btp cockpit, reflect, not working, role assignment, custom idp, establish trust, group name , KBA , BC-CP-CF-SEC-IAM , UAA, Authentication, Authorization, Trust Mgmnt , BC-IAM-IDS , Identity Authentication Service , Problem
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