XSController process failed to start in XSA system.
In xscontroller.out log, below error can be seen.
Error occurred during initialization of VM
java/lang/NoClassDefFoundError: java/lang/Object
[Last 4000 events in the event buffer]
<thread> <time> <id> <description>
19258 0.02 0x0000000d Loaded shared library /hana/shared/SID/xs/sapjvm_8/jre/lib/amd64/ successfully
19258 0.02 0x0000000c Loaded shared library /hana/shared/SID/xs/sapjvm_8/jre/lib/amd64/ successfully
19258 0.01 0x0000000b Protecting memory with rights 0 [0x00007f36070bc000,0x00007f36070c0000]
19258 0.01 0x0000000a Creating red and yellow zone [0x00007f36070bc000,0x00007f36070c0000]
19258 0.00 0x00000009 Loading shared library failed
19258 0.00 0x00000008 Loading shared library /hana/shared/SID/xs/sapjvm_8/jre/lib/amd64/server/ failed
19258 0.00 0x00000007 Loading shared library /hana/shared/SID/xs/sapjvm_8/jre/lib/amd64/server/ failed
19258 0.00 0x00000006 Loading shared library /hana/shared/SID/xs/sapjvm_8/jre/lib/amd64/server/ failed
19258 0.00 0x00000005 Loaded shared library /hana/shared/SID/xs/sapjvm_8/jre/lib/amd64/ successfully
19258 0.00 0x00000004 Protecting memory with rights 1 [0x00007f3609255000,0x00007f3609256000]
19258 0.00 0x00000003 Protecting memory with rights 0 [0x00007f3609254000,0x00007f3609255000]
19258 0.00 0x00000002 Loaded shared library /hana/shared/SID/xs/sapjvm_8/jre/lib/amd64/ successfully
19258 0.00 0x00000001 Loaded shared library /hana/shared/SID/xs/sapjvm_8/jre/lib/amd64/ successfully
SAP HANA extended application services, advanced model (XSA)
XSA, HANA, DB, hdbxscontroller, HDB XS Controller, RED, Stopped, Cockpit, Java, JVM , KBA , BC-XS-RT , XS Advanced Runtime / XS Controller , Problem
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