The virus scan function will be used in your AS ABAP system and you want to block files with specific extensions.
For that parameter BLOCKEXTENSIONS is used according to SAP Note 1640285.
When checking a file with a blocked extension you notice that this file is not blocked.
as of SAP_BASIS 620 SAPKB62072
as of SAP_BASIS 640 SAPKB64030
as of SAP_BASIS 700 SAPKB70027
as of SAP_BASIS 701 SAPKB70112
as of SAP_BASIS 702 SAPKB70212
as of SAP_BASIS 710 SAPKB71015
as of SAP_BASIS 711 SAPKB71110
as of SAP_BASIS 720 SAPKB72008
as of SAP_BASIS 730 SAPKB73008
as of SAP_BASIS 731 SAPKB73103
+ higher SAP_BASIS releases
virus scan, configuration, BLOCKEXTENSIONS, VSCANPROFILE, Step Configuration Parameters , KBA , BC-SEC-VIR , Anti Virus Protection , How To
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