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3448023 - "Transport request has failed as the destination apimanagement is not correctly configured" error in API Portal


When a transport of an API Proxy is initiated in the API Portal, the following pop-up error occurs:

"Transport request has failed as the destination apimanagement is not correctly configured. details: validation failed as destination apimanagement is not reachable"



  • SAP API Management
  • SAP Integration Suite


API Management all versions ; SAP Integration Suite all versions


Integration Suite, APIM, API Management, Transport request has failed as the destination apimanagement is not correctly configured, Validation failed as destination apimanagement is not reachable, Transport, TMS, An API Proxy already exists with the base path, on selected VirtualHost, Provide a different base path, Transport of artifact has failed  , KBA , OPU-API-OD-DT , Designtime , Problem

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