The calculation of the Price Component Value for the List Price of a Product in a Sales Document is not as expected.
This is valid for any Sales Document such as Sales Order, Service Order, Contract, Invoice etc..
SAP Business ByDesign
Reproducing the Issue
In our example we are using a Contract, the Unit of Measure EA and Box and we are using the currency EUR.
- Go to the Sales Orders work center.
- Select the Contracts view.
- Open Contract XYZ (XYZ represent the ID of the Contract).
- Select line item 10 with Product ABC (ABC represents the ID of the Product).
- The Quantity is maintained e.g. as 180 box.
- The List price is maintained as e.g. 3600.00 EUR
- Navigate to the Pricing and Invoicing tab and the Pricing sub tab.
- You can see that the Price Component Value of the List Price is 648000000.00 EUR.
You expect that the Price Component Value of the List Price is 3600.00 EUR * 180 box = 648000.00 EUR
The Price Component Value of the List Price for line item 10 in Contract XYZ is calculated as 648000000.00 EUR because the Unit of Measure for the Price Component List Price is maintained as EA and you have a quantity co
In our example the Unit of Measure for the Price Component List Price is maintained as EA and the Quantity Conversion in the Product Master Data of Product ABC is maintained as 1 Box = 1000 EA.
You can check this as follows:
- Go to the Sales Orders work center.
- Select the Contracts view.
- Open Contract XYZ.
- Navigate to the Pricing and Invoicing tab and the Pricing sub tab.
- Expand Line item 10.
- Select the Price Component List Price.
You can see that the Amount is 3600.00 EUR and the Unit of Measure in the field For is maintained as 1 EA.
The Ordered Quantity is 180 Box.
To check the quantity conversion maintained for the Product:
- Go to the Product and Service Portfolio work center.
- Select the Products view.
- Open Product ABC.
- Navigate to the General tab.
The Quantity Conversion is 1 Box = 1000 EA
The reason why the Unit of Measure in the For field is determined as EA is because the Sales Unit of Measure in the Product Mater Data under the Sales tab for the Distribution Chain that is also maintained in the Contract is maintained as EA and when the Product was added in the Contract it was manually changed to Box.
If the Amount is 3600.00 EUR for 1 EA the calculation is as follows:
3600.00 EUR * 1000 = 3600000.00 EUR (Amount for 1 box)
3600000.00 EUR * 180 = 648000000.00 EUR (Amount for 180 box)
Hence the Price Component Value of the List Price is 648000000.00 EUR.
Please Note:
If you maintain the List Price before you change the Quantity Unit of Measure in our example from EA to Box, the List Price you enter is for 1 EA.
If you maintain the List Price after you change the Quantity Unit of Measure in our example from EA to Box, the List Price you enter is for 1 Box.
You can see this then in the Pricing and Invoicing tab and the Pricing sub tab in the For field for the respective item and the Price Component List Price.
This is the expected system behavior.
If you would like to have the Price Component value of the List Price determined as e.g. in our example 648000.00 EUR for 180 Box then you need to maintain the Unit of Measure 1 Box in the For field in the Pricing and Invoicing tab and the Pricing sub tab of the Contract.
List Price; Price List; Unit of Measure; UoM; Sales Order; Contract; Pricing; Tax Amount; Tax Base Amount; incorrect; wrong; calculation ; , KBA , AP-SLO-SO , Sales Order , Problem