Worker had a shift change mid-week. How do I send this in the Rate Schedule Time Sheet with Revision Upload?
Rate Schedule Time Sheet with Revision Upload give error when multiple shift codes entered for same week
Error: Duplicate of record Work_Order_Id: , TIMESHEET ID: , Job_Seeker_Id: <<Job_Seeker_Id>>, Worker_Id: , Buyer_Ref: , Date:<<date>>, Cost_Center_Code: <<cc_code>>, Task_Code: Hours Worked, GL_Account_Code: , Segmented Object Detail: , Rate_Category_Code: <<Rate_Category_Code>>, UOM: HR, Week_Start_Date: <<week start date>>
Rate Schedule Time Sheet with Revision Upload, Time sheet upload, Duplicate of record Work_Order_Id: , TIMESHEET ID: , Job_Seeker_Id:, TIMESHEET ID, tIME SHEET REVISION , KBA , BNS-FG-INT-UP , Integration - Uploads , BNS-FG-TS-RTS , Timesheet - Revised Time Sheet , How To
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