- While running ' disk refit'
- Error 823 is returned
- Together with a warning that sysusages information may be incorrect:
disk refit
Warning: Disk Refit may not have the correct segment map information in sysusages. Please review these after the command completes to verify their accuracy.
Msg 823, Level 24, State 1:
Server 'SID', Line 1:
I/O error detected during read for BUF=0x0x00002b12eca20fb8, MASS=0x0x00002b12eca20fb8, Buf#=0, page=0x0x00002b0bd25d8000, dbid=1, Mass vdevno=195, vpage=10485760, Buf lpage=0, Mass stat=0x40000000908, Buf stat=0x1, size=4096, cid=0 ('default data cache'), Pinned xdes=0x(nil), spid=0.
ASE is terminating this process.
SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) - All versions
SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise all versions
disk refit, disk reinit , message 823 , KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , Problem
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