You have configured a validation of FI header in OB28 using field BKPF-USNAM in order to check the username in a posting process. This validation is working successfully with the GUI transactions (e.g FB01, FB50) however the same validation is not working when the transaction is processed using Fiori apps (e.g like Post General Journal Entries (F0718). Therefore you have defined the conditions in the validation rules with sy-uname and avoid condition bkpf-usnam.
However as SYST-UNAME is structure field and not a table field, SET cannot be created to use in this validation and you cannot keep the user names constant in the validation as it will prompt to move a transport request every time there is change/add/delete in the user list.
- SAP Fiori
- SAP S/4HANA Finance
SET, ADOCA, BKPF, transport, TR, validate, substitute, validation, substitution, OBBH, OB28, GB00, GB01, OB28, user name , KBA , FI-FIO-GL-TRA , Transaction Apps , How To
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