SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3450548 - Onboarding tasks/steps (NHDR, PDC, etc) are skipped - Onboarding


The Onboarding process of an onboardee is initiated.


  1. Onboarding tasks/steps are skipped.
  2. Onboardee is not available in the Onboarding Dashboard but available in Manage Pending Hires.


  • SAP SuccessFactors Onboarding

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Navigate to the Onboarding Dashboard
    • The affected onboardee is not available or seen.
  2. Navigate to Manage Pending Hires
    • The affected onboardee is seen.


  1. The rule SAP_ONB2_HMReviewCheck is not configured properly:
          Process.Process Type is equal to Onboarding
          Process.Target Date is on or before 01/01/1900

  2. The rule SAP_ONB2_ProcessClosurePeriodConfig is not configured properly:
    Set Rule Model for Onboarding Process Closure.Closure Period in Days to be equal to 1


  1. The rule SAP_ONB2_HMReviewCheck must be corrected where the Process.Target Date must be on or after 01/01/1900.
  2. The rule SAP_ONB2_ProcessClosurePeriodConfig must have the Closure Period in Days to be equal to __ (at least 90 days by default).

In case that the Close Onboarding Processes Job is not configured or running in Provisioning, the archive/closure rule will still run even without the job. The job only serves as a back-up in the event that the system does not pick up the rule.

See Also


Onboarding, Onboarding 2.0, OBX, Review New Hire Data, Skipped, Onboarding Dashboard, not available, not seen, not visible, Ready to Hire, Manage Pending Hires, archive, closure , KBA , LOD-SF-OBX , Onboarding 2.0 , LOD-SF-OBX-NHA , New Hire Activities (activities, tasks, buddy, equipment) , LOD-SF-OBX-JCN , Conversion External User to Internal User , Problem


SAP SuccessFactors Onboarding 2305