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3451140 - The "$" symbol was replaced by value "USD" after downloaded by exporting to Excel


The Design Studio Apps are deprecated and replaced by Multidimensional Reports (Web Dynpro Apps). The "$" currency formats is changed to USD after exported to Excel. This is different from the result using export to PDF , or the export to Excel in old Design Studio Apps.



  • Analytical Query
  • Web Dynpro Apps


SAP HANA Cloud all versions ; SAP S/4HANA all versions


FPM, Web Dynpro Grid, design studio, Analytical Query, WebDynpro App, WebDynpro, FPM_BICS_OVP, Query, Update, symple, currency, PDF, export, excel export , KBA , BW-RUI-FPM , FPM Analytical GUIBB , Product Enhancement

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