1.The transport of the ADSO failed with below errors :
"Remodelling rule 20240208 PMOD_O01 has been created instead of activation
- data type of '0CH_ON' has been changed
- data type of '0WORKCENTER' has been changed"
2.When checking the ADSO , the following warnings appears:
"RSO_RES_ADSO134: Activate using the re-Modelling Rule JJJJMMDD of <aDSO>"
"RSO_RES_ADSO150: Data type of <InfoObject> has been changed."
SAP NetWeaver 7.50
SAP NetWeaver 7.51
SAP NetWeaver 7.52
SAP NetWeaver 7.53
SAP NetWeaver 7.54
SAP NetWeaver 7.55
SAP NetWeaver 7.56
SAP NetWeaver 7.57
_CONVERSION__CHECK_NECESSARY (CL_RSO_ADSO) , CL_RSO_ADSO===================CP , ADSO , Remodeling , Infoobject , 0CH_ON , 0WORKCENTER , RSO_RES_ADSO134 ,
"RSO_RES_ADSO150 , KBA , BW-WHM-DBA-ADSO , DataStore Object (advanced) , BW-WHM-DBA-RMT , Remodelling Toolbox , Problem
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