You have set an approval rule with condition "No price Not equal to Yes" or "No price equal to Yes" for shopping cart approval but it is not working as expected.
SAP Business By Design
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to Application and User Management - Approval Processes
- Select Approval Process : Shopping Cart
- Set up an approval rule and add condition "No Price"(Not equal to Yes or equal to Yes)
- The approval is not triggered as expected
If you have set a condition "No price Not equal to Yes" , this means there must be a price specified in the shopping cart item and if it is "No price equal to Yes", then it means that the condition is satisfied when no price is set in the cart item.
Kindly update the price accordingly in the shopping cart to meet this "No price" condition, only then approval will be triggered correctly.
no price condition in shopping cart approval, "No price Not equal to Yes", "No price equal to Yes" , KBA , AP-REQ-IR , Internal Request , SRD-SRM-PRO , Purchase Requests and Orders , Problem