You are replicating Business Partners from SAP S4HANA / SAP ERP to Sales & Service Cloud V2 and the message fails in Message Monitor
SAP Sales & Service Cloud V2 Integration with SAP S4HANA
SAP Sales & Service Cloud V2 Integration with SAP ERP
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to Message Monitor
- Check the failed Business Partner incoming message with above mentioned error
BPs of type Groups are not supported in C4C according to its designed business model
You have to filter this type of BPs based on category code via DRFF in your S4 system / ALE in ERP.
See Also
Category - 1 : Natural Persons / Individual Customers / Individual Accounts
Category - 2 : Organizations / Customers / Accounts
Category - 3 : Groups (Not supported in C4C V1 or V2)
KBA , CEC-CRM-INT , Integration for SAP Sales/Service Cloud , Problem