SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3451649 - Not Delivered Product in Purchase Order Doesn't Show in the Corresponding Product Planning Screen


A product in purchase order is not delivered. However, it doesn't show in the corresponding product planning screen.


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to work center Purchase Requests and Orders.
  2. Access view Purchase Orders 
  3. Find purchase order ABC, click Edit.
  4. Select tab Items, for product DEF, Ship-To Location is XYZ, Not Delivered.
  5. Go to work center Supply Planning.
  6. Access view Products.
  7. Search product DEF in planning area XYZ, click Open. In the screen "Product Planning Details: DEF/XYZ", there is no purchase order ABC.


Though purchase order ABC shows not delivered, actually all quantity has been received and then returned to supplier, there is no open quantity remains for receipt from perspective of product planning. Therefore, the purchase order will not display in the product planning screen as supply.


This is system standard behavior.


Purchase Order, Not Delivered, Supply Planning, Product Planning , KBA , AP-SDM , Supply and Demand Matching , Problem


SAP Business ByDesign all versions