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3452239 - Migration jobs not running or stuck after processing


When working with the t-code LTMC and uploading a file, it was found that the data validation is stuck without progress and the following warning message was shown in LTMC:

  • 'Validate Data' is running in the background (X% complete).

The status message at the bottom of the screen shows the mentioned warning message:

Alternatively, the KBA 3094534 might have been followed and a stepuser was maintained for Migration Cockpit jobs, but the current jobs are still stuck.

Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental.





SAP S/4HANA all versions


LTMC, op, onpremise, validate, file, upload, stuck, hang, s4, prepare, stuck, activity, activities, tasks, long, runtime, job. , KBA , CA-LT-MC , S/4HANA Migration Cockpit , Problem

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