- Which app can be use for initializing bank account balance.
- Bank Balance migration error message: "Balance upload for GL account "XXXXXXXXX" Company code "YYYY" is not supported".
- Migration object FI - Bank account balance is deprecated.
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to App Migrate Your Data - Migration Cockpit.
- Create a Migration project for migration object FI - Bank Account Balance.
- Execute the migration project to create Actual flows for bank account.
You noticed a different behavior for CE2402 as compared to CE2308 because this migration process for bank account balance is an obsolete process.
As the error message long text describes: -
Use Fiori App 'Manage Memo Records 2.0' to create bank account balance flow with Memo Record Category ‘ACTMO (Actual Cash Memo)’.
We have new Fiori App 'Manage Memo Records 2.0' to create actual bank account balance which is technical same as old bank balance flow, and new actual flow can be created freely as balance adjustment.
It can help you create new flows in a short time.
See Also
Migration object FI - Bank account balance help portal link.
3478507 - Cash flow not displaying migration journal entries
F2986A, manage, memo, record, 2.0, create , migrate, bank , account, balance, FI, bank, account, balance, migration, cockpit, CE2402, g/l , account, ACTOMO, initialize, bank, account, balance, cash, flow, analyzer, actual, certainty level = Actual, FI - Bank account balance is deprecated, FI, bank, account, balance, deprecated, migration, object deprecated, CE2502 , KBA , FIN-FSCM-CLM-FQM-2CL , One Exposure (Public Cloud) , CA-LT-MIG , Migration Workbench (MWB) , How To