You are looking for setting up Principal Propagation authentication in the following scenario.
BTP ------> SCC --------> Back-end system
PS: If there is a WebDispatcher rounting this particular PP connection between SCC and back-end, perform the additional steps from page here.
- BTP Cloud environment;
- SAP Cloud Connector supported versions;
- SAP AS ABAP backend system release independent.
Principal Propagation, PP, Assertion ticket, Principal, Propagation, pattern, email, e-mail, mail, username, name, authentication, assertion, pop-up, pops up, popup, username, password, back-end, backend, ABAP, SU01, SAP CC, SAP Cloud connector, SAPCC, connector, IDP, sub-account, subaccount, emai, username, e-mail, mail, display_name, login_name, SCC, trusted_reverse_proxy, kernel 7.53, trust_client_with, CERTULE, SSL Server Standard, CA, Certificate Authority, subject pattern, PP, trusted_reverse_proxy, trust_client_with_issuer, trust_client_with_subject, $name, $email, $mail, $display_name, $login_name, PKIX, certificate path, certificate, sample, subject pattern, assertion, SAML, SAML2, BTP, Subject DN, Issuer, SAN, Subject Alternative Names, , KBA , BC-MID-SCC , SAP Cloud Connector On-Demand/On-Premise Connectivity , How To
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