You are facing issues accessing your C4C tenant with your initial user and need to contact SAP Support.
SAP Cloud for Customer.
In case you have a second C4C tenant, you can create an incident out of that tenant, providing details of the tenant URL as well as the email ID.
In case you don't have a second C4C tenant, you would need to create the incident from SAP for Me.
Steps to Report Support Incident from SAP Cloud for Customer :
1. On the screen with issue, select the help center tab (Help button at the far right corner of SAP Cloud for Customer application).
2. Select Report Incident option.
3. Report an Incident pop-up appears. Write a brief on the issue you are facing and attach screenshots if possible.
4. Select Attach Screen to show us where the issue is. You can also optionally highlight the issue or add a callout.
5. Under Tell us what’s wrong, first enter brief summary text and then describe in more detail what happened when the issue occurred. Describe the sequence of steps you took and what you expected to happen. Be as specific as possible.
6.Select one of the radio buttons to indicate how serious the issue is. Select Minor thing for low priority, select I am concerned to indicate medium priority, and select Can’t work to indicate a high priority issue.
7. Click Direct Forward to send the issue to SAP Support.
8. A message is displayed, indicating that your incident has been reported and directly forwarded.
9. Click Close to dismiss the message and continue with your work.
Create the incident from SAP for Me: SAP for Me > Get Support (Case creation)
Kindly check the link for the steps on how to create incident via SAP for Me :
Please note information needed in the SAP for Me incident :
- Customer Email
- Tenant ID
- Also please make sure you select the C4C Tenant while creating the SAP for Me incident or else it is not possible to involve C4C Operations from our end. It only works if a C4C tenant is used during the creation of the incident.
See Also
Create incident, SAP for Me, C4C, Report an Incident, Tenant Access , KBA , LOD-CRM-ADM , Administration UI , How To