- Attempting to change the hostname of HANA DB by using the resident hdblcm utility and encountering the following error:
16:59:07.354 - INFO: Output line 2: failed.
16:59:07.379 - INFO: Program terminated with exit code 1
16:59:07.380 - INFO: Switching back to root user.
16:59:07.380 - ERR : /hana/shared/ABC/HDB00/exe/hdbnsutil call failed [rc = 1]
16:59:07.380 - INFO: Restoring sapprofile.ini...
16:59:07.381 - INFO: Updating /hana/shared/ABC/HDB00/adsaprsxdb01/sapprofile.ini...
16:59:07.381 - INFO: Updating value 'SAPLOCALHOST' in section '' ('xxxxxxxxxx01' => 'zzzzzzzzzz')
16:59:07.382 - INFO: File '/hana/shared/ABC/HDB00/zzzzzzzzzz/sapprofile.ini' updated
16:59:07.382 - ERR : Testing conversion of topology failed
16:59:07.382 - INFO: Cleaning up temporary local file system
16:59:07.384 - ERR : Renaming master failed!
16:59:07.384 - ERR : Renaming SAP HANA instance failed!
16:59:07.421 - INFO: -----------------------------------------------------------
16:59:07.421 - INFO: Cleaning up configuration changes...
16:59:07.421 - INFO: -----------------------------------------------------------
16:59:07.421 - INFO: Checking for any auto-failover settings disabled by the SAP HANA Lifecycle Management...
16:59:07.421 - INFO: Getting nameserver.ini
16:59:07.421 - INFO: Reading nameserver.ini
16:59:07.421 - INFO: Layer 'Default' found
16:59:07.423 - INFO: Layer 'System' found
16:59:07.424 - INFO: No auto-failover settings disabled by the SAP HANA Lifecycle Management were found.
16:59:07.424 - INFO: -----------------------------------------------------------
16:59:07.424 - INFO: END: Cleaning up configuration changes (start: 16:59:07.421 duration: 00:00:00)
16:59:07.424 - INFO: -----------------------------------------------------------
16:59:07.424 - INFO: Summary of critical errors
16:59:07.384 - ERR : Renaming SAP HANA instance failed!
16:59:07.384 - ERR : Renaming master failed!
16:59:07.382 - ERR : Testing conversion of topology failed
- There is no HANA System Replication in use.
SAP HANA, platform edition 2.0
SAP HANA, platform edition 2.0
KBA , HAN-LM-PLT , SAP HANA Platform Lifecycle Management , Problem
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