Job: SM_CCLM:*_<SystemID> cancels with the following error messages in the job's log:
- "Internal session terminated with a runtime error DBSQL_SQL_ERROR (see ST22)
Job cancelled"
A dump similar to the one below, is produced in ST22:
Category Installation Errors
Runtime Errors DBSQL_SQL_ERROR
Short Text
SQL error "SQL code: 133" occurred while accessing table "AGSCCL_OBJECT".
What happened?
Database error text: "SQL message: transaction rolled back by detected
deadlock: TrexColumnUpdate failed on table 'SAPABAP1:AGSCCL_OBJECT' with
error: transaction rolled back by detected deadlock: Local Deadlock detected:
owner tid cycle=[(victim) 42189907894, 42189910448], rc"
Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental.
Solution Manager 7.2
SM_CCLM, collector job, "SQL code: 133" occurred while accessing table "AGSCCL_OBJECT", fails with deadlock, transaction rolled back by detected deadlock: TrexColumnUpdate failed on table 'SAPABAP1:AGSCCL_OBJECT', SM_CCL_COLLECTOR_MONITORING_JOB, MAX_COL_JOBS, AGS_CC_CUSTOM , KBA , SV-SMG-CCM , Custom Code Management , Problem
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