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3453807 - Invoice Failed and Rejected with Error INV-707: [Buyer Name] requires service sheets or receipts for mixed orders, so create a service sheet or receipts first.


- Invoice submission is rejected with an error message:
INV-707: [Buyer Name] requires service sheets or receipts for mixed orders, so create a service sheet or receipts first. In case you create a service sheet only, after the service sheet is approved, you can create an invoice.

- The issue can occurs when submitting an invoice for a Purchase Order (PO) that includes a combination of materials (non-GR based invoice) and services.



SAP Business Network


SAP Business Network for Procurement and SAP Business Network for Supply Chain all versions


Invoice, Rejection, Validation Error, INV-707, Ariba, Cloud, PO, requiresServiceEntry, SES, Service Entry Sheet, Non-GR based invoice, Goods Receipt, Service Sheet.) , KBA , SBN-AN-INT-INV , CXML Invoices , How To

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