- The user is using a basic TM license and wants to integrate TM with EWM.
- Currently, the LE delivery can be distributed to EWM and create FU/FO in TM.
- However, when warehouse activities are completed in the EWM delivery order, the changes are only reflected in the LE delivery and not in TM FU or FO.
- SAP Transportation Management embedded in SAP S/4HANA 1709 and subsequent releases.
SAP S/4HANA all versions
TM-EWM integration, post goods issue, packing, loading complete, loading finished, LDAP, EWM TU, TM FO, freight order, basic license. , KBA , TM-INT-EWM , TU-Based Integration with Extended Warehouse Management , TM-INT-LI-EWM , Adv.-SR-Based Integration with EWM , TM-INT-LI , Logistics Integration - General , SCM-EWM-IF-TM , Interface TM , Problem
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