An ABAP based instance does not start completely.
The Dispatcher trace file (dev_disp) shows that the work processes are restarting frequently, even right after the instance has been started and before any user could even login to the system.
For example:
[date and time]
DpHdlDeadWp: W0 (pid=9416) terminated automatically
create new work process W0 (PID:5612 HANDLE:1720)
The work processes' trace files (dev_wXX) reveal that a work process restart is triggered right after the work process has started, due to "os heap usage":
M ThWpNeedsRestart: os heap usage 528547823 > max os heap limit 524288000
The common scenario seen so far is that the issue happens after upgrading the SAP kernel to release 754.
- SAP NetWeaver ABAP based system
- ABAP Platform based system
ThWpNeedsRestart, os heap usage, max os heap limit , KBA , BC-CST-STS , Startup Service , BC-ABA-SC , Dynpro and CUA engine , BC-CST , Client/Server Technology , Problem
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